Tasmania's first Citizen Assembly

A diverse representation of people who work, live and study in Hobart gathered to discuss and put forward recommendations for the city to better manage the current climate and biodiversity crisis.
Quoted from Hobart City Council
Development of connected, safe and green corridors for walking and cycling that also help cool the city; phasing out the use of fossil fuels in Council operations; and providing public spaces for use during extreme climate events - these are some of the recommendations to come out of the City of Hobart’s inaugural Climate Assembly.
The City of Hobart’s Climate Assembly is a Tasmanian first and a pivotal event in shaping Council and communities’ response to the climate and biodiversity emergency.
The assembly participants, selected through a widely advertised expression of interest process, to represent the diversity of Hobart. The result was a representative sample of the Hobart population in terms of age, gender, cultural background, and climate change knowledge.
The Assembly, held over four days across two weekends, was a forum for in-depth briefings, robust discussions and collaborative decision-making.
It resulted in ten prioritised community recommendations aimed at addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss.
Top priorities identified by the Assembly include:
Develop a network of connected and safe walkways, cycleways to encourage active transport (incl. footpath upgrades, pathways, trails and cycleways.
Develop a network of green corridors throughout the city to increase tree cover, cool the city, improve liveability and movement.
Stop selling offsets and giving someone else permission to pollute.
Phase out fossil fuels from Council operations, including through assets, supply chains and investments.
Develop a network of waterways, wetlands and blue corridors to improve irrigation and manage runoff from heavy rainfalls, reduce pollution/flooding.
mplement fire management programs that improve biodiversity and bushland health.
Advocate to develop a zero emissions public transport system that encourages usage through increased availability and better user experience.
Provide safe and inclusive publicly accessible spaces for extreme climate-related events for priority communities and those who require support.
Use planning, legislation and regulatory controls to reduce risk; and assess and improve critical infrastructure across the city to be climate ready.
Provide support and financial incentives to households, businesses and neighbourhoods to electrify and retrofit.
For more information on the City of Hobart's Climate Assembly, visit: https://www.hobartcity.com.au/Council/News-publications-and-announcements/Media-centre/Hobart-Climate-Assembly-to-shape-new-climate-strategy
27 March 2024