Tasmania Gets Coal for Christmas?
A Tasmanian open-cut coal mine has expansion plans and you have less than a week to have a say.
A Tasmanian open-cut coal mine has expansion plans and you have less than a week to have a say!
Protect Tasmania's fragile environment and endangered species! Cornwall Coal wants to expand the open-cut Cullenswood Coal Mine. Global heating threatens our alpine environment, wetlands, and wet rainforests. Stand with us and tell the Federal Environment Minister to "call in" this dangerous expansion. #nocoal #protectTasmania
Coal mining devastates biodiversity and contributes to global warming. Don't let Cornwall Call wreck our climate.
Join the Tasmanian Conservation Trust in opposing the expansion of the Cullenswood Coal Mine.
Use the link below to write to the Federal Environment Minister, and demand a proper assessment of the impacts of this proposal.
Write to the Federal Environment Minister today! #saveTasmania #nocoal
11 January 2023